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Hi There!  I'm Priscilla Coffee, I'm an Emotional Wellness Coach

I help Individuals and Companies enhance their emotional wellness through a variety of Self-Care strategies.

I'm on a beautiful mission to Help the Helpers so that they can live a Happier and More Fulfilled Life; both Personally and Professionally.



After working with thousands of clients, here's what I discovered:

  • Most people exhaust themselves caring for others; and typically put themselves last on their "To-Do" list. 
  • Most people start off assuming that Self-Care is either Selfish, not Essential or too difficult because of their schedule.
  • Most people struggle with feelings of guilt when it comes to doing something good for themselves.
  • Most people love helping others but they're tired or burnout and they don't know what to do about it.

This is why I'm so passionate about what I do because I don't want you to be "MOST-PEOPLE"

Part of my mission is to help you see that there is a healthier, well-rested, thriving, more vibrant version of YOU that is waiting to come out

Here's How Coach Priscilla Can Help:

Private Coaching

One to One Coaching provides customized strategies to enhance your overall wellbeing; so that you can live a happier and more fulfilled life.

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Book Priscilla to be your key-note speaker, host a workshop, teach an online master-class or facilitate a retreat for you and your team. 

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We all need inspiration, encouragement, accountability, insight and support.  This Community is designed to give you all of that and more!

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"Just Breathe" Bundle

This special offer includes 4 digital products that are deigned to help you LOVE YOURSELF WELL.

1. Just Breathe Master Class

2. Just Breathe E-Book

3. Just Breathe Workbook

4. Just Breathe Daily Devotional

Get Access to Your Bundle

This is normally where I'd share my Bio, but we'll get to that a little later. Instead, I'd like to share a story with you.

I remember it, like it was yesterday. I had just gone through one of the most difficult times of my life.

My entire family was overwhelmed and shaken up because of a devastating loss that impacted all of us.

I had spent my entire life as a Helping Professional but this time, I was the one who needed help.

So, I called a mentor and colleague of mine for some advice.  What happened next, would change my life forever.

He gave me a simple, yet extraordinary self-care plan; that I could share with my family.

Honestly, after our conversation; I felt like someone had just given me a million dollars.

From that day forward; I made a decision that I would do for others what my mentor did for me.

Learn More About Priscilla